“The mentor I got suited me really well and helped me grow as a person!”

“It’s good to get a mentor from the area you’re interested in!”

Are you in your second, third, fourth or fifth year of an electrical engineering, software engineering or biomedical engineering program? Would you like a personal contact with someone in the world of industry and commerce? Then take the opportunity to apply for the Mentor EDIT mentorship program! There are many benefits:

  • As a mentee, you gain insight into working life and the opportunity to make many valuable contacts with people in the world of industry and commerce.
  • The mentorship helps you to not only see different career opportunities and get a clearer picture of your goals but also get a clearer connection between your studies and your future working life.
    As a mentee, you learn a lot through the mutual discussion about personal and professional development you have with your mentor.
  • In your role of the mentee, you get the chance to learn from your mentor’s experiences and knowledge.

In Mentor EDIT, we consider it crucial to match the right mentor with the right mentee to make the mentorship as beneficial as possible for both parties. For example, do you want a mentor who has experience with starting their own company? Or who has spent a lot of time working abroad? Your preferences for an ideal mentor make it easier for us to better match you with a prospective mentor. We, therefore, ask you to answer a number of questions in your application. We prioritize fourth-year students when assigning mentors, but we accept second, third and fifth-year students if spots are available.

Mentee guide (Sve)

Mentee guide (Eng)

Mentee Application Form