Applications for Mentor EDIT ”MEDIT”  is now closed. We expect it to open back up in August 2025.

Mentor EDIT is a one-year mentorship programme at Chalmers aimed for students in years 2–5 in the MSc programmes Electrical Engineering,  Software Engineering and Biomedical Engineering ( Elektroteknik, IT och Medicinteknik Civilingenjörsprogram).

Both parties can benefit greatly from a mentorship relationship. The mentorship can be considered a partnership for learning that gives the mentor the opportunity to share their experiences. The mentor is also given the opportunity for self-reflection in dialogue with their mentee, and training in direct leadership in forms where humility, openness and being a team player are the foundation of the relationship. Through their mentor, the mentee is given the opportunity to reflect over thoughts and ideas, figure out what motivates them, and receive moral support and career guidance.

The Mentor EDIT mentorship programme is a collaboration between the Master of Science programmes in Electrical Engineering and Software Engineering ( 300 cr. ) at Chalmers.

The contract can be found here Mentoring contract

Follow these links for the Mentor guide and Mentee guide as well as the information about being a Mentee and Mentor.